Production Brief & Outcomes:

Due to increased demand for Allied health and medical staff over the past 12+ months in the Melbourne area, the competition for quality candidates is very strong. AHC has an ongoing need to recruit as the business keeps pace with increasing demand for services. Standing out is becoming increasingly difficult and therefore branding and marketing become even more vital.

Therefore, the first step to remedy this is the production of a company culture video to promote the benefits of working with AHC, establishing the first branding and recruitment tool for the AH content library.

Client: Advance Healthcare

Category: Corporate Profile

Date: Feb 2021


From our discussion you want a video to assist with the recruitment of staff which accurately captures the culture and values of the organisation.

Core Message

We want to focus on the people so it will be a tight shot on the person talking with a fuzzed-out background. We will add in the video of the building and hopefully clinicians treating patients which we can film once we have the initial interviews.

Target Audience

Primary – Recruitment – Allied health (Physio and Psych) and medical

Secondary – Patients / Public

Target Duration

Around 8-10 minutes.